Parents & Children

How We Can Help

Speech and language difficulties are one of the most common developmental delays; as a parent it can be difficult and stressful for both you and your child when there are struggles to communicate. Communication is so much more than just words and talking, your child may present with difficulties understanding, producing words clearly or using and understanding non-verbal communication. We work with children with a wide range of SLCN. Some of the children we work with already have a specific diagnosis whilst others do not. A key part of our philosophy centres on looking at a child holistically in terms of their strengths and needs and working in a way to use strengths to support other areas.

We work with children who present with:

  • Difficulties expressing themselves
  • Difficulties understanding
  • Difficulties with social communication, sharing, taking turns, awareness of others
  • Difficulties with understanding and using non-verbal communication
  • Poor attention and listening

At London Communication Clinic we start with a discussion with you about your concerns. Following this we provide assessment and recommendations for your child.

Read what to expect from an SLT assessment

We work closely with parents and carers to develop their skills in supporting their child’s communication. We aim to develop a child’s confidence and self esteem alongside working on their SLCN so that they are confident in their ability to communicate. 

If you are concerned about your child’s communication then get in touch with Jennifer for a free 15 minute phone consultation.